Jean-Luc Picard

In The News: Neal Adams/ George Perez RIP, Trek Stuff & Moon Knight Season Finale

Listen in as the crew of TBC drop a bunch of fanboy buzz and news recorded on...duh duh Dah... Friday the 13th, 2022.

#nealadams #georgeperez #obiwankenobi #strangenewsworld #picard #moonknight

Star Trek: Picard (Season 1, Part 1)

Star Trek: Picard, the newest series launched on CBS ALL ACCESS, chronicles the continuing adventures of if not, arguably the most important/popular Trek characters of all time, Jean-Luc Picard (Note disclaimer: Kirk fans will have say about this). Upon it’s series announcement, fanboys all around have been stoked with excitement overall as it’s last most recent series Star Trek: Discovery received better than moderate reviews despite lackluster feels for the JJ Abram’s films. The intrepid crew of TBC_afp boldly reviews the first half of the season in anticipation hoping for a series winner where past stories have lost popular traction or felt disappointedly flat. 
