
Dark Phoenix/ Godzilla 2 Spoiler Review

The Summer of 2019 is speeding right past us and so are the releases of several genre films. Some that we have been anticipating and some not so much. Nevertheless, we here at TBC_afp are dedicated to delivering fair and balanced critique… well sorta. In subway series fashioned double header, we tackle both Dark Phoenix and Godzilla: King of Monsters but are they up to snuff?

#itsacruelsummer #whereisgodzookie?

Thor: Ragnarok 2 (Spoiler) Review / Stranger Things 2

The Sun is getting low and our colorful cast of fanboy friends (from work) cover Marvel Studios’ latest epic installment, magnificently billed, Thor: Ragnarok. 

Also, we return back to some Eggo eating at the Upside-Down with a review of Netflix’s, highly anticipated sequel, Stranger Things 2. 

Finally, a show worthy where we get to learn the secrets of Steve Harrington’s hair.

#dampnotwet #whybeatenwhenyoucanbeaneleven #revengersforever

History of Wolverine & Logan Spoiler Review/ Discussion

He slices! He dices! He regenerates! But WAIT! THERE’S MORE! 

From his inaugural appearance battling the HULK in October of 1974 to his current anti-heroic/ heroic tale chronicled in Logan, To Be Continued a fanboy podcast proudly presents an engagement in-depth into one of Marvel’s flagship icons, the Canadian mutant Weapon X, James “Logan” Howlett aka The Wolverine. Join the Fanboys for some 80’s animated nostalgia, X films a plenty and sweet swoon-filled Hugh Jackman man crushing.

Podcast tune in and celebrate TBC’s tributary proclamation: “We are the best at what we do and whatever that is, is pretty congenial because you’re not the only one with gifts, Bub!” #snikt #wantapieceoffruit 

In The News/ Catch All February 2017 (PART 1 of 2)

Welcome to 2017: The New World Order

After a winter hiatus, The TBC Fanboys have returned for an IN THE NEWS/ CATCH ALL - 2 parter (complete with jingle), ready to tackle the current and continuing nerd geekdom explosion of 2017. Hastags will be hashed, monkey wrenches will be monkey wrenched, claws will snikt one last time, Last Jedi will finally speak, Leaguers will unite! Can fanboys from all four corners of the globe contain themselves? #MAKEFANBOYPODCASTINGGREATAGAIN #HEREWEGOAGAIN #AGAIN


Looking back and beyond 50 years of one of the most influential movements in Sci-fi history spanning from TV, films, animation, comicbooks and literature. TBC (afp) takes a journey where many have gone before, living la vida prosper, celebrating all things Trekdom. #getalife