
The Batman (Spoiler Review)

In the immortal parodied words of Alfred Pennyworth, well not really, more like an exchange between British comedians, Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon from the 2014 film The Trip to Italy, we get a tickling Michael Caine impersonation-off exchange that went like this: "I'm not going to bury 'nother Batman!" "Another Batman? How many Batman(s) has he been burying?" Which in reflection hilariously sums up most sentiments from when WB announced in 2019 yet another Batman would be cast for a standalone movie this time directed by Matt Reeves to be set apart from Zack Synder's Batman portrayed by Ben Affleck. This time Robert Pattinson, of Twilight Saga fame, would be cast as the Dark Knight and already fans either felt optimistically cautious or flat out unsure how this project would pan out. As of current having enjoyed being at the top of the box office for only a month, The Batman sits at $676 million and counting, still not quite what Spider-Man No Way Home has accomplished but time will tell. And what do we think? Here's a Riddle: I can be tuned for conversation but not like a piano nor radio. What am I?


#thebatman #robertpattinson #zoekravitz #colinfarrell #jeffreywright #batman #dccinematicuniverse

Batman: Road To Justice Part 4

Riddle me this? What do Morgan Freeman from Lean on Me, Mr. Bates from Downton Abbey and almost eight decades of fictional history have in common? Well, the answer is “Batman”, of course, but that doesn’t mean you ought to be shoving Spaghetti into any (“Bat”) Computer in the name of detective work. 

Join TBC a fanboy podcast & friends for an in-depth round table Bat-discussion exploring the heroics, romanticism & complex character profile of DC Comics’ flagship property. 

What will be revealed? That Batman really does sit home to wash his tights? The truth behind Schumacher’s “nipplegate”? Or that Calendar Man will get his own full featured film? Sit tight, get comfortable with some Bat-milk and cookies (yes, the same ones from Scooby Doo) and tune in for a great Bat-Time. 
