Wanda Vision

Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness (Spoiler Review)

By The Book of Vishanti! The Marvel Cinematic Universe has delivered one of it's most ambitious projects to date with Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness directed by Marvel movie pioneer and cult horror filmmaker, Sam Raimi. The film, neverthess, is a direct follow up from both Spider-Man No Way Home and Disney Plus' WandaVision, thrusting Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlett Witch as Doctor Stephen Strange's antogonist. Strange of course is as always masterfully portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch, returning to fulfill his franchise duties but this time carrying the weight of the MCU's phase on his shoulders. Certainly a tall order for the Veteran Brit actor extraordinaire. But how do the fanboys of TBC_afc really feel about this wacky comicbook adventure brought to screen?

#illuminati #mustnotspoil

Say My Name! aka Loki Season 1

For about a decade, Tom Hiddleston has breathed not only life but also a anglo sexy wretchedness into the MCU's first Phase One Arch Villain, Loki, Asgardian God of Mischief. With that Hiddleston single-handedly popularized this Thor nemesis so much to the affect that Disney+ has gloriously (and purposely) released a mini-series chronicling further adventures. TBC_apf delivers a mid series low down but also in this episode, a bit of entertainment news, etc.

#owenwilson #MobiusMMobius #wow

The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (Season 1) Review Discussion.

Wrapping up Disney +’s most anticipated streaming series following WandaVision, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier ended with some major reveals for the MCU moving on foward. But did it live up to it’s hype? Sit back, pour yourself a Super Soldier serum cocktail and enjoy!

#WhitePanther #BlackFalcon

Syfy's Resident Alien & WandaVision Finale

Getting back into the swing of things can be challenging but thankfully with TBC_afp’s seal of approval, Syfy’s Resident Alien receives our thumbs up in hopes for more episodes down the line and thereby cushioning the stresses of pandemic life a bit easier. Also, in the episode we deliver our closing remarks on Disney Plus’ Wanda Vision finale. 

#alantudyk #iamaleafinthewindwatchhowisoar 

Hello 2021!

After a hiatus of proportions critical to the American identity, the intrepid crew TBC_afp crawled out of the fallout rubble to bring back nerd normalcy. Inaugurating a new year, though tiptoeing on eggshells due to the still raging global pandemic, we hope in continuing celebration of all things sci-fi, comicbook and geekdom culture. Let’s do this 2021!

#nomoremutants #lifeisgoodbutitcouldbebetter